Soundproof industrial fans
Soundproof industrial fans: Rimor ROTOCABE was our first technological patent and was developed to reduce the noise emissions, related to traditional ventilation units.
Noise emissions are a problem in two ways: noise pollution in the workplace, thus affecting the company-employee relationship, and emission to the outside, thus affecting the company-environment relationship.
In both cases, there are limits to have to be respected according to the area in which the company operates and according to the type of the employees and their working hours.
On average, it is also possible to operate at 85 dB (A) without creating major inconvenience to the operators; often the plant engineer or machinery manufacturer is asked to respect lower values since the noise levels of its machinery “adds” to other sources of noise, thus reaching levels not permissible in terms of work regulations.
To this end, Rimor S.r.l. uses a composite material that it produces itself, Rimor Silent. The development of this material led to the development of ROTOCABE. Rimor Silent material was created to offer soundproof fans capable of tackling and solving the problem of noise pollution in the workplace.
Innovation and performance have always been the fundamental demands of the industrial ventilation sector. For this reason, we are always searching for new solutions that can guarantee high performances with ever-growing efficiencies while still focusing on the reduction of noise emission levels that various regulations require in different workplaces.
Rimor S.r.l., thanks to over 30 years of experience in the industrial ventilation sector can fulfill market demands with standard and custom-built solutions which are the result of important investment in R&D, made to guarantee the best solutions to customers’ needs.

Soundproof fans
The ROTOCABE blower is an industrial fan used in all those cases where the air is blown into a pressurized circuit.
The ROTOCABE blower is a soundproof industrial fan that takes air from the environment and conveys it to a circuit, for application on combustion systems, industrial burners, transport systems.
The pressurization fan, called Blower, is a ventilation unit which allows in small spaces, to take air from the environment and in small spaces to reduce the noise of the industrial fan through a compact intake silencer, with a consequent reduced environmental noise.
The ROTOCABE industrial ventilation fan is a very robust ventilation unit, with soundproofing without mineral wool (which disperses fibers in the environment) while using in its place Rimor Silent, a certified soundproofing composite material, which allows to obtain excellent noise reduction without the disadvantages of mineral wool.
The ROTOCABE blower fan is a ventilation unit where the air in suction is conveyed into the outlet circuit with medium, high or very high pressures even up to 1500 mm H2O.
Applicable without suction filters or with primary or two-stage filters.

ROTOCABE insulated
Soundproof fans
The ROTOCABE series represents a range of high-quality industrial fans with a wide selection in terms of flow rates and pressures and it is used where it’s necessary to isolate the external environment from the temperature of the internal airflow.
The ROTOCABE insulated fan allows to convey even extremely flows up to 750° C in hot fumes circuits, in small spaces and with high insulation of the machinery casing so that the external surfaces are safe.
The ROTOCABE insulated fans series for high temperatures is built with insulating solutions for the casing, progressively more evolved for temperatures ranging from 150°C to 750°C, guaranteeing, therefore, gradually increasing thermal insulation results.
The ROTOCABE is an up to date unit from the point of view of energy-saving and high efficiency.
The ROTOCABE is an efficient and highly technological ventilation unit, that guarantees the user not to disperse heat and thermal energy and have safe surfaces temperature wise.

ROTOCABE standard soundproof
Soundproof fans
The soundproof ROTOCABE is a compact industrial fan with reduced noise emission, being completely soundproofed with Rimor Silent, a composite soundproofing material.
This particular solution that involves the use of Rimor Silent allows to develop is an industrial fan with a soundproof body so the noise of the fan casing is reduced in order to guarantee compliance with the regulations in force.
Access to the ventilation unit is very simple and all maintenance phases can be carried out easily and safely thanks to the possibility of accessing directly the casing or the electric motor for inspection or replacement.
The constructive and functional feature of this ventilation unit is that it allows the casing to be rotated, obtaining, therefore, every possible configuration even after installation.

ROTOCABE for extraction
Soundproof fans
The ROTOCABE for air extraction is a suction ventilation unit capable of putting into a vacuum various types of circuits to create suction zones in which the centrifugal fan sucks in air and re-emits it into the environment.
The suction ROTOCABE is a series made up of low, medium and high-pressure centrifugal fans with the suction inlet connected to the air intake circuit.
ROTOCABE is a Rimor S.r.l. patent with the feature that the industrial fan can be developed on the basis of a rotating body that allows every possible configuration and rotation.
The ROTOCABE is a soundproof fan that sucks air from the circuits and it is built through the usage of Rimor Silent as well, with the possibility of having the electric motor -placed on the pedestal- soundproofed, while the case can be rotated to execute any possible rotation.
The industrial fan noise is absorbed by Rimor Silent, a specific sound-absorbing material with such a composition that it does not disperse fibers in the environment as it happens for example with wool material.
On the discharge of the ROTOCABE, there is a silencer on the outlet to reduce the noise emissions of the industrial fan around the fan itself.
ROTOCABE accessories

Suction filters
Soundproof fans
In cases where the ROTOCABE, soundproof fan, sucks in air which is not clean or where the process requires filtered air with degree G primary filtration or degree F fine filtration, it is possible to install filters for air filtration before the industrial fan.
The filtration system before the ROTOCABE requires that the filter is positioned in the piping section. The filter is easily removable.
The airflow in the filtration system paired with the ROTOCABE is perfectly distributed on the filter with a degree of precision of 10% between the minimum and the maximum speed value on the filter itself. This is possible thanks to CFD simulations that calculate exactly the crossing speed guaranteeing a longer lifespan of the filter.
The filtration system of the ROTOCABE series can be, if with primary degree filtration:
- Positioned on the inlet;
- Positioned on a separate filtering section, more specifically if combined with the secondary class F filter. The system is connected to the industrial fan through an anti-vibration joint and it is adjustable in height through supporting feets.

Butterfly or buffer valve
Soundproof fans
The ROTOCABE industrial fan, a soundproof and insulated fan -patent by Rimor- can be paired with a regulation valve, installed on the outlet or inlet section.
The ROTOCABE soundproof fan series -manufactured by Rimor- can, therefore, be paired with radial vane damper valves on the inlet section to regulate the airflow: this type of valve is made up by several wedge-shaped sections -which by rotating differently direct the airflow entering the impeller- create a different reduced pressure curve, therefore obtaining a regulation of the fan.
Alternatively, a butterfly valve can be installed both on the inlet and outlet section. The valve is made up by a disc that rotates on the bearings which can generate a pressure drop, therefore, a fan regulation.
The butterfly valve system also allows, for example, to obtain a compartmentation of the fan useful for the maintenance or functioning of two fans in parallel at the same time.
Another type of valve that can be paired with the ROTOCABE is the buffer valve, which, automatically or mechanically, opens on the outlet like a non-return valve, therefore, prevents the airflow of another parallel fan from entering the fan itself. This allows two or more fans to operate in parallel.

Outlet silencers
Soundproof fans
The ROTOCABE is a soundproof industrial fan that solves the problem of the noise of the fan, its casing and its electric motor. The suction noise in the ROTOCABE Blower series models with environment air suction is already reduced by the structure of the ROTOCABE itself, the Rimor patent allows also for the possibility of reducing the outlet noise through:
- a system of splitter silencers;
- cylindrical silencers (with or without ogive).
made with Rimor Silent (a specific composite material) or with traditional mineral wool.
For environments with humid flows and with a high degree of condensation, a suitable in-house soundproofing material is used.
The ROTOCABE system is characterized by high construction quality and in combination with the industrial cylindrical silencers in inlet and outlet, high soundproofing of the noise conveyed in the piping is reached which allows to locally isolate the environment from the noise and to reduce the sound emission of a possible chimney.
Rimor silencers are efficient and at the same time characterized by high construction quality. Rimor silencers are available in basic materials such as galvanized sheet or more refined materials such as AISI 304 or AISI 316.

Flow Meter
Soundproof fans
The Rimor patent includes a very effective system for the measurement of the volumetric flow rate. The measurement of the air flow rate of the ventilation units can be carried out in many ways. The measurement can be carried out with a system of fans (anemometer) which detects the airflow physically, or with an upstream-downstream pressure measurement system of a flange of a certain size or otherwise with the Venturi system, the most advanced system available on the market.
The Venturi system is a flow meter for industrial fans which is based on the principle of acceleration of air between two different sections. Given the section difference, having detected the two pressures in the two sections and known the temperature, the speed value and, therefore, the flow rate of the system can be obtained with excellent reliability. This acceleration and deceleration of the air causes an energy cost for the pressure drops and requires considerable spaces.
The VENTURIMOR flow measurement system can obtain flow measurements with high precision. Measurement errors are limited to the precision of the instrumentation used and taking into account the fact that there is no direct insertion of the instrument into the airflow, an erroneous measurement -due to damaged instrumentation- is avoided and inaccuracies of the calibrated flange and its losses are avoided as well. Furthermore, the VENTURIMOR instrument has a smaller footprint size-wise than the much larger traditional Venturi measurement systems. The Rimor flow measurement system is at zero energy cost and is made in collaboration with Rimor’s CFD & engineering department.